Sites Used By 2001 NISOD Participants


Below is a list of favorite sites of attendees from the NISOD conference:


Class:  Discrete Math

Site: University of Colorado Site on Discrete Math

Site Description:  Has definitions, discussions, examples and then gives a quiz before you can move on.

Benefits to Students:  Helps in discrete math

NISOD Attendee Name:  Patti Morgan


Class:  Calculus

Site: Integrals Online 

Site Description:  Performs symbolic integration

Benefits to Students:  Helps students check work.

NISOD Attendee Name:  Bill Dunn


Class:  Math

Site: Syllabus, Objectives, and Useful Links

Site Description:  Hosts instructor's syllabus, course objectives, and useful links

Benefits to Students:  A great resource for this Jeff's students.

NISOD Attendee Name:  Jeff Parent


Class:  Business

Site: Quicken

Site Description:  A tutorial for investment strategies

Benefits to Students:  Students can learn how to invest on-line

NISOD Attendee Name:  J. Dakka


Class:  Psychology

Site: Introductory and Child Psychology Textbook Sites

Site Description:  Contains study materials and practice tests

Benefits to Students:  Goes beyond the written material of the textbook

NISOD Attendee Name:  Lucinda Hatman


Class:  Math

Site: Math Forum

Site Description:  A resource for all math.

Benefits to Students:  Students can find any math topic here

NISOD Attendee Name:  Gail Stringer


Class:  Statistics

Site: Personality Types

Site Description:  An online questionnaire about personality types

Benefits to Students:  Useful for statistics projects

NISOD Attendee Name:  Natile Woodrow


Class: Principles and Practices of Basic Food Preparation

Site:  Recipes

Site Description: A direct source for recipes from chefs

Benefits to Students:  Students can see the recipes of established chefs.

NISOD Attendee Name:  Steve Fernald


Class:  Foreign Language

Site: Lake Tahoe Community College Foreign Language Department

Site Description:  The site contains information of the courses and web lessons.

Benefits to Students:  A great resource and learning tool

NISOD Attendee Name:  Nancy Barclay


Class:  Algebra

Site: Algebra Course Site

Site Description:  Contains assignments, extra problems, and study skills

Benefits to Students:  A resource for algebra

NISOD Attendee Name:  Valerie Martin


Class:  Trigonometry

Site: Explore Math

Site Description:  An interactive math site

Benefits to Students:  Gives connections between a right triangle and a unit circle

NISOD Attendee Name:  Rob Farinelli


Class:  Statistics for Management, Life, and Social Sciences

Site: Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics

Site Description:  Textbook, Java Applets, data sets, etc.

Benefits to Students:  A resource in statistics

NISOD Attendee Name:  Donna Gorton


Class:  Algebra, Pre-Calculus, and Trig

Site: Live Math

Site Description:  Allows students to type in a problem, then the student receives a full worked out solution.

Benefits to Students:  Students can get their questions answered and "see" math happen.

NISOD Attendee Name:  Karena Curtis