



Please work out each of the given problems on your own paper.  Credit will be based on the steps that you show towards the final answer.  Show your work.


Problem 1 
Solve the given differential equation by means of a power series about x = 0.  Find a recurrence relation and write the final solution in the form


        y'' + xy' + 2y  =  0,        y(0)  =  0,     y'(0)  =  1


We have


Plugging back into the original differential equation gives


Now adjust the sums so that they all contain the same powers of x.


Now pull out the n = 0 term and combine the sums


Next use the initial conditions to get

        a0  =  0        a1  =  1

        2a2 + 2a0  =  0  


         a2  =  0

The recursion relationship gives

        (n + 2)(n + 1)an+2 + (n + 2)an  =  0


         an+2  =                                 
                           n + 1

Hence all the even coefficients are 0.  The odds are

                                      -1                      1                        -1                         1
        a1  =  1        a3  =                a5  =                  a7  =                  a9  =                    
                                        2                    3
. 4                    3. 4. 6                 3. 4. 6. 8

In general

                             (-1)n                    (-1)n
    a2n+1  =                                  =                           
2. 4. 6. .... (2n)            2n n!

The general solution is 



















Problem 2 

Determine the general solution of the differential equation that is valid in any interval not including the singular point. 

        x2y'' - xy' + y  =  0      


We let

        y  =  xr


        y'  =  rxr-1        y''  =  r(r - 1)xr-2

Substituting back into the original equation gives

        r(r - 1)xr - rxr + xr  =  0

        r2 - r - r + 1  =  r2 - 2r + 1  =  0

        (r - 1)2  =  0

        r  =  1 (repeated twice)


        y  =  (c1 + c2 ln|x|) |xr|


















Problem 3 

Solve the following differential equation


            y(0)  =  y'(0)  =  0


Since this is a piecewise defined differential equation, we use the method of Laplace Transforms.  

        L(y'') + 4L(y)  =  L(g)  =  L[sin t (1 - u2p(t))  =  L(sin t) - L[(sin t) u2p(t)]

                                          1                     1
        s2L(y) + 4L(y)  =              - e-2ps               
                                       s2 + 1              s2 + 1

Solving for L(y), we get

        L(y)  =  (1 - e-2ps                             
                                     (s2 + 1)(s2 + 4)

Now use partial fractions 

                   1                        As + B            Cs + D
                                      =                      +                        
        (s2 + 1)(s2 + 4)            s2 + 1             s2 + 4


        (As + B)(s2 + 1) + (Cs + D)(s2 + 4)  =  1

        As3 + Bs2 + As + B + Cs3 + Ds2 + 4Cs + 4D  =  0

Equating coefficients gives

        A + C  =  0        B + D  =  0        A + 4C  =  0        B + 4D  =  0

This has solution 

        A  =  0        B  =  -1/3        C  =  0        D  =  1/3

Putting this together gives

                       1                           1                   1
         L(y)  =        (1 - e-2ps                    -                        
                    3                       s2 + 4             s2 + 1


                       1        1                   1                     e-2ps           e-2ps
         L(y)  =                         -                  -                  +                )
                    3       s2 + 4            s2 + 1            s2 + 4          s2 + 1 

Now take the inverse Laplace Transform to get

        y  =  1/3 ( sin(2t) - sin t - u2p sin(2t) + u2p sin t)


















Problem 4 

Find the general solution of the given system of equations and describe the behavior of the solution as .



Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix.


        =  (-2 - l)(-2 - l) - 1  =  l2 + 4l + 4 - 1

        =  l2 + 4l + 3  =  (l + 3)(l + 1)  =  0

Thus the eigenvalues are 

        l  =  -3        and        l  =  -1

Now find the eigenvectors

        v-3:  Plugging in -3 for l, we get


Which has (1,-1) in its null space.

        v-1:  Plugging in -1 for l, we get


Which has (1,1) in its null space.

The solution is 



        x1  =  c1e-3x + c2e-x

        x2  =  -c1e-3x + c2e-x        


















Problem 5 

An electric circuit  is describes by the system of differential equations




A.     Suppose that R = 1 ohm, C = ½ farad, and L = 1 henry.  Find the general solution of the system in this case.


Plugging in the numbers we get the matrix


Now find the eigenvalues 


Take the determinant to get 

        (-l)(-2 - l) + 2  =  l2 + 2l + 2  =  0

The roots of this quadratic are 

        -1 + i        and         -1 - i

v-1+i:  Plugging in -1 + i for l, we get


The first row gives

        (1 - i)x + y  =  0

        y  =  (-1 + i)x

So the corresponding eigenvector is 

        v-1+i  =  (1,-1 + i)

We have


Hence the general solution is given by


That is

        I(t)  =  c1e-t cost + c2e-t sin t

        V(t)  =  c1e-t(-cos t - sin t) + c2e-t (cos t - sin t)

















B.      Find I(t) and V(t) if I(0) = 2 amperes and V(0) = 1 volt.


Plug in to get

        0  =  c1        

        1  =  -c1 + c2 

The solution is 

        I(t)  =  e-t sin t

        V(t)  =  e-t (cos t - sin t)

















C.     For the circuit of part A. determine the limiting values of I(t) and V(t) as .  Do these limiting values depend on the initial conditions?  


Since the e-t term dominates all expressions, both the current and voltage will drop to zero as time approaches infinity independent of the initial conditions.


















Problem 6  Please answer the following true or false.  If true, explain why.  If false, explain why or provide a counter-example.


A.    If  f(x)  is a function that is not continuous at x  =  2 , then the Laplace transform of  f(x)  is also not continuous at x =  2 .  


        False, consider u2(t) which is not continuous at 2.  The Laplace transform is e-2s / s which is continuous at 2.
















B.   Let      be a solution of the differential equation

            x                     1  
              y''  +                y'  + (sin x)y  =  0
    x + 4              x - 2                

 then  x  =  -1  is in the interval of convergence of y(x).  


False, the solution converges inside (0,2) which does not contain -1.