
We will now look at groups within groups which we will call a subgroup. 


Let G be a group with operator * and H a subset of G.  Then H is called a subgroup of G if  H is a group under the same operator *.

Notice that to prove that H is a subgroup of G, we do not need to show that the associative property holds for H since it the operator is the same as G.


If G is a group and H is a subset of G, then H is a subset if and only if the following are true:

  1. If a and b are in H, then a*b is in H.
  2. If a is in H, then a-1 is also in H.


If H is a subgroup of G, then 1. and 2. hold by the definition of a subgroup.  We need to show that if 1. and 2. hold then H is a subgroup of G.  All that is needed is to show that the identity element e is in H.  By 2. a-1 is in H, so by 1. a*a-1 = e is in H.


If G is a group, then the subset of G containing only e is a subgroup.  Also G is a subgroup of itself.  These two subgroups are called the trivial subgroups of G


If a is any element of G, then consider the set (a) = {an | n is an integer}.  Then this is a subgroup of G.  If we let n = -1, then we get the inverse.  Also ax * ay = ax+y gives 1.  This subgroup is called the cyclic subgroup generated by a.  If G contains an a with (a) = G then G is called a cyclic group.


If G is a finite group, then (a) = {ak | k is a natural number)


Consider the elements

{a, a2, a3, a4, ...}

Since G is a finite group, these cannot all be distinct.  So let ax =  ay with x < y.  Then  (ax)-1 (ax) = (ax)-1 (ay) so that

e = ay-x = a1+y-x-1 = a*ay-x+1

This shows that

a-1 = ay-x+1

is in (a).


Let Z12 be the group of clock arithmetic numbers.  Then Z12 is a cyclic group generated by (1).  Notice that (3) is a cyclic group of order 4.


Instead of the clock having 12 hours, we can pick any number of hours to start over again.  We let Zn be the set of integers with * defined by addition with the extra property that 1n = 0.  Notice that 1n means 1 + 1 + ... + 1 where the 1 appears n times.  Every cyclic group of order n can be thought as being equivalent to Zn


Let {a1, a2, ..., ak} be elements of a group G.  Let H be the subgroup that consists of products of the form a1m1* a2m2 *...* akmk where all of the powers are integers.  We say that H is the subgroup generated by a1, a2, ..., ak


Let H be a subgroup of G and let a and b be elements of G.  Then we say that a is congruent to b mod H if a*b-1 is in H.

We leave it as an exercise to show that congruency is an equivalency relationship.  That is the following three properties hold:

  1. a is congruent to a
  2. If a is congruent to b then b is congruent to a
  3. If a is congruent to b and b is congruent to c then a is congruent to c.


Let G be the integers consider the subgroup Z4.  Then 7 is congruent to 3 mod Z4 since 7 *(-3) = 7 - 3  = 4 is a multiple of 4.


If H is a subgroup of G and a is an element of G then Ha = {h*a | h is in H} is called a right coset of H in G.


Ha = {x in G | a is congruent to x mod H}


Let h*a be in Ha.  Then

a*(h*a)-1 = a*(a-1*h-1) = (a*a-1)*h-1 = e*h-1 = h-1

Since h is in H, so is h-1.

Similarly if a is congruent to x mod H, then x is congruent to a.  That is

x*a-1 = h

for some h in H.  Now just multiply both sides by a to get

(x*a-1)*a = ha


x*(a-1*a) = ha

x*e = ha

x = ha

This tells us that any two right cosets are either the same or disjoint (have no elements in common).  This is true since either two elements are equivalent or not.


There is a one-to-one correspondence between any two right cosets of H in G.


What we need to prove is that there is a one-to-one function from Ha to Hb.  The function that works is

f(h*a) = h*b

Notice that if

h1*b = h2*b


h1 = h2

and then

h1*a = h2*a


If G is a finite group, then any two cosets of H have the same number of elements.

We define the order of H (written o(H)) to be the number of elements of H.

Theorem (Lagrange)

If G is a finite group and H is a subgroup of G, then the o(H) is a divisor of G.


  1. Let G be the group of integers with * defined by addition and let H be the set of multiples of 10.  Prove that H is a subgroup of G.
  2. Let G be the group of nonzero real numbers with * defined by multiplication and let H be the nonzero rational numbers.  Prove that H is a subgroup of G.
  3. Let G be the group of all nonzero complex numbers a + bi with a and b real numbers not both 0.  Prove that
    H = {a + bi | a2 + b2 = 1}
    is a subgroup of G.
  4. If H and K are both subgroups of G, prove that the intersection of H and K is also a subgroup of G.
  5. Prove that if H is a subgroup of G, then aHa-1 = { a*h*a-1 | and h is in H} is a subgroup of G.
  6. Let G be a group and a be in G.  Prove that N(a) = {n | n*a = a*n} is a subgroup of G.
  7. Prove that congruency is an equivalency relationship.
  8. If G is a finite group prove that if a is in G, then ao(G) = e.
  9. Prove that any subgroup of a cyclic group is itself a cyclic group.