Square Roots


  1. Definition of the Square Root

    Recall how we defined exponents, especially with exponent 2.  Some examples are

            32  =  3 x 3  =  9        102  =  10 x 10  =  100        52  =  5 x 5  =  25

    Also recall that the inverse of addition is subtraction and the inverse of multiplication is division.  We define the the square root as the the inverse of the exponential.

    The square root of a given number answers the question, "What number squared equals the given number?"

  2. Examples

             =  3          =  10       =  5

    We call the number under the square root sign the radicand.  

  3. Exercises

    Determine the following

    1.                  7                  

    2.                 12

    3. +     8

    4.     0


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