Problem Solving and Solving Roots


Work Problems


Suppose that George can finish his homework in 5 hours and Carmen can finish her homework in 4 hours.  How many hours will it take for them to finish their homework if they do it together?



We can think of this problem as a distance-rate-time problem where the distance for the whole test is 1.  To find George's rate we write: 

        d  =  rt

        1  =  (r)(5)     or     r = 1/5

To find Carmen's rate, write

        1 = (r)(4)      or     r = 1/4

Hence the total rate is

        George's rate + Carmen's rate  =  1/5 + 1/4

This is the amount of homework done in 1 hour.  If together it takes x hours to do the homework then they will complete 1/x of the homework in 1 hour.

            1        1           1
                 +         =                              
            5        4           x

            1                 1                   1
                (20x) +       (20x)  =          (20x)                   
            5                4                    x

       4x  + 5x  =  20 

       9x  =  20

        x  =  20/9  =  2 2/9

It takes 2 2/9 hours for them to finish their homework together.



A boat travels 10 mi/hr in still water.  If the boat takes the same amount of time to travel 3 miles upstream as 2 miles downstream, find the speed of the current.


        x  =  speed of the current.  

then the rate upstream is 

        Rate Upstream  =  10 - x

 and the rate downstream is 

        Rate Downstream  =  10 + x


        d  =  rt

        t  =  d/r           Divide both sides by r

For the two trips, the time is the same, so

          3                         2
     10 + x                  10 - x

Cross multiply:

        3(10 - x)  =  2(10 + x)

        30 - 3x  =  20 + 2x

        10  =  5x

        x = 2.

The current is going at 2 miles per hour.


Finding Roots


     Definition of the nth root of x

We define the nth root of x


to be y if 

          yn = x






What is the solution to

 y2 = -3 ?

Since the square of any number is positive, the above equation has no real solution.  In general negative numbers do not have even roots.


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