Taylor Polynomials

Review of the Tangent Line

Recall that if f(x) is a function, then f '(a) is the slope of the tangent line at x = a.  Hence

        y - f(a) = f '(a)(x - a)  


        P1(x) = y = f(a) + f '(a)(x - a) 

is the equation of the tangent line.  We can say that this is the best linear approximation to f(x) near a.

Note:      P1'(x) = f '(a).

Quadratic Approximations



        f(x) = e2x

Find the best quadratic approximation at  x = 0.



        f '(x) = 2e2x  


        f ''(x) = 4e2x


        P2(x) = a0 + a1x + a2x2  


         P'2(x) = a1 + 2a2x  


        P''2(x) = 2a

        a0 = 1

        P2'(0)  =  a1  =  f '(0)  =  2 


        a1 = 2

        P2''(0) = 2a2 = f ''(0) = 4 


        a2 = 2


        P2(x) = 1 + 2x + 2x2


The Taylor Polynomial

Suppose that we want the best nth degree approximation to f(x) at x = a.  We compare f(x) to

        Pn(x) =  a0 + a1(x - a) + a2(x - a)2  + a3(x - a)3 + ... + an(x - a)n

We make the following observations:

        f(a) =  Pn(a) =  a0  

so that  

        a0 = f(a)

        f '(a) = P'n(a) =  a1 + 2a2(x - a)  + 3a3(x - a)2 + ... + nan(x - a)n-1 at x = a 

so that 

        a1 = f '(a)

        f ''(a) = P''n(a) =   2a2  + (3)(2)a3(x - a)+ ... + n(n - 1)an(x - a)n-2 at x = a 

so that 

        a2 = 1/2 f ''(a)

Note Each time we take a derivative we pick up the next integer in other words
        a3 =                  f '''(a) 

If we define f(k)(a) to mean the kth derivative of f evaluated at a  then

        ak =              f(k)(a)

In General

                         The Taylor Polynomial
The nth degree Taylor polynomial at x = c is

     Pn(x) =  f(c) + f '(c)(x - c) + f ''(c)/2!(x - c)2  + 
                  f (3)(c)/3! (x - c)3 + ... + f (n)(c)/n! (x - c)n

              = S f (k)(c)/k! (x - c)k

where the sum goes from
0 to n.

The special case when a = 0 is called the McLaurin Series

          The McLaurin Polynomial

The McLaurin Polynomial of a differentiable function f(x) is 

          S f (k)(0)/k! xk  

where the sum goes from 0 to n.


Find the fifth degree McLaurin Polynomial for sin x

        f(0) = sin(0) = 0

        f '(0) = cos(0) = 1

        f ''(0) = -sin(0) = 0

        f (3)(0) = -cos(0) = -1

        f (4)(0) = sin(0) = 0

        f (5)(0) = cos(0) = 1

So that 

                                1              0               -1              0               5
        P5(x) = 0 +            x +          x2 +           x3         x4         x5 
                             1!             2!               3!              4!             5!

                     x3             x5
        =  x -             +                       
                    6              120

Taylor's Remainder

Taylor's Remainder Theorem says that any smooth function can be written as an nth degree Taylor polynomial plus a function that is of order n + 1 near x = c.

          Taylor's Remainder Theorem

If f is smooth from a to b, let Pn(x) be the nth degree Taylor polynomial at x = c, then for every x there is a z between x and c with

                                  f (n+1)(z)       
          f(x) = Pn(x) +                    (x - c)n+1   
                                   (n + 1)!


We have

                                 (.1)3           (.1)5        -sin z
        sin(.1) = .1  -              +               +                = .099833416667 + E
                                  6             120            6!


        E <           (.1)6  = .0000000014



Use an 11th degree Taylor polynomial to approximate 



First notice that there is no elementary antiderivative.  Hence, we find the Taylor polynomial and then integrate.  We have


Plugging in x2 for x, gives


Now integrate to get


We ignore all terms after the 11th power term to get


The actual integral up to five decimal places of accuracy is 




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